Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day Shoot & New Designs~

I'm so excited to finally be able to reveal these designs! This photo shoot has sorta been planned for about a month, and I laboriously brought these coords into existence a few weeks ago, over just a few days. This is my second time working with the gorgeous Miki Sarocca, and talented photographer Kendra Paige 

Obviously, these two coords were inspired by two All-American superheroes. These pieces are now available in my shop (and of course, come in a variety of colors)! More shots from this set will be uploaded HERE, as I get ahold of the photos.

Happy Independence Day, everyone~


  1. These are AMAZING! I run a tumblr specifically for nerd-based lolita stuff, and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me posting some of these images? I would of course link back and give full credit.

    1. Makelovely...? *O* Wow, I subscribe to you on Youtube, and was super surprised to see your comment! I'm happy you like my designs - and yes, of course you have my permission to post these ^_^

    2. Do you really? I'm so flattered :D Thank you!
