Once again, on the eve of Christmas I had a sewing machine breakdown.
I don't think I ever posted about it last year, but my Husqvarna Viking machine did suffer sever heart failure and passed. I was in the middle of working on my bf's Christmas present (a velveteen coat, which to this day I don't have a single picture of ;A;). It was 2 days before Christmas, I had a handful of orders to finish on top of Christmas presents. Needless to say, I was panicked. First thing I tried to do was get it fixed. I loaded it into the car the next morning and drove all over town in crazy traffic, where I was told it would need to be sent out and it would take several weeks to get back to me. I neither had the time nor patience for that. Luckily, my savior of a boyfriend stepped in and purchased me a Brother SC6600 to tide me over. Well, temporary turned into permanent, and I am still happily using my Brother today.
Fast forward a year later, and the same thing happens! Not with my sewing machine this time, but with my serger. Yes, I have one of those Brother 1034Ds that everyone and their mother seems to have. And this time it wasn't 2 days before Christmas, but more like a week and a half. I'd had a bit of a scare with my machine nearly a month ago, when the top part of the knife suddenly snapped off mid-stitch. Yep, snapped clean off, while sewing just 2 layers of fabric. I know. But I got that taken care of, and ordered a replacement knife right away. It arrived in a few days, and I replaced it, simple as that. Freak out unnecessary. But a month later, it begins acting up again. (For those interested in the technicals: The upper looper became loose on the inside of the machine, throwing off the timing, which in turn made it not sew. At all. Therefore making it impossible to sew with.) I did spent several hours in tears trying to fix it, but to no avail. I got online, found a Brother service facility thing in my area, and took it straight to them the next morning. I was expecting to deal with catty older women - since that's what happened last year when I was trying to get my Husqy fixed - but boy was I wrong! I had the pleasure of talking with the loveliest woman ever. Long story short, we ended up getting an entire new machine. The cost of the repairs added up to be half of what I paid for it in the first place. And being nearly 3 years old, we decided it really wasn't worth it. I ended up walking out that day with a lovely Janome 7034D! I absolutely love him. ♡ It took a little while to get used to threading him of course, but I absolutely love everything about this machine. It is a bit harder to thread the upper and lower loopers, but I find that I'm not re-threading this machine because of broken threads, tangles, etc. nearly as much as I was the Brother. The best part of purchasing this machine from where I did is the upgrade service. So a year from now, I can trade my entire machine in for a new one at no cost to me.
Eventually, I would like to upgrade both of my machines to JUKI industrial lovelies (both the machine and the serger), as well as venture into embroidery machines, but until that day comes I will keep dreaming of them.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The Resplendent Nightmare Shoot~
(I found this in my post archives, and just realized that I forgot to publish it! Late? Yes. But better now than not at all.)
Wow. What a busy month! September flew by in a total flash. I had scheduled the Resplendent Nightmare photo shoot for the 29th, so I spent most of the month ordering and waiting on fabric to get to me, stressing out about not having enough time left to get everything finished, and worrying about what I was going to do about the models who cancelled on me last minute. Well I'm glad to say that October is finally here, which means I've had a few days to myself to finally just relax and chill out.
As mentioned above, the shoot did take place this past weekend, on Saturday. Once again, I teamed up with my photographer friend, Rachel Lauren, who brought along her gorgeous wolfdog, Lucian. I had my super talented make-up artist friend, Jessa do her magic on my model's faces (she doesn't have an online portfolio thing yet, so I can't link you to her work atm ;A;), and she did an amazing job transforming all my models into gorgeous living dolls.
Speaking of models, well.. that was an experience all in itself. Never before have I had so many issues with models skipping out or flaking on me in one shoot. I started getting this shoot together all the way back in July, because I wanted to give people plenty of notice and time to sort out schedules, etc. because I knew this would be a big all day event. Well... one of my models went a little MIA throughout the planning, so I had to replace her with another one who cancelled on me the afternoon before the shoot. And the day of the shoot, one of the models completely failed to show up or give any sort of notice. So, one of my outfits (a skirt/blouse coord in sapphire) was not even in the shoot at all, and I ended up having to model the boystyle coord myself. Luckily I was of similar size to the model who was supposed to wear that so with a bit of alteration, I was able to fit into it just fine. I'm just glad I already have a handful of other shoots already in place to show off other color-ways and variations of my pieces.
Needless to say, all my other models were nothing short of spectacular. I was impressed on Saturday, and after seeing the shots, I'm even more impressed with how they make my work look so lovely ♡
Wow. What a busy month! September flew by in a total flash. I had scheduled the Resplendent Nightmare photo shoot for the 29th, so I spent most of the month ordering and waiting on fabric to get to me, stressing out about not having enough time left to get everything finished, and worrying about what I was going to do about the models who cancelled on me last minute. Well I'm glad to say that October is finally here, which means I've had a few days to myself to finally just relax and chill out.
As mentioned above, the shoot did take place this past weekend, on Saturday. Once again, I teamed up with my photographer friend, Rachel Lauren, who brought along her gorgeous wolfdog, Lucian. I had my super talented make-up artist friend, Jessa do her magic on my model's faces (she doesn't have an online portfolio thing yet, so I can't link you to her work atm ;A;), and she did an amazing job transforming all my models into gorgeous living dolls.
Speaking of models, well.. that was an experience all in itself. Never before have I had so many issues with models skipping out or flaking on me in one shoot. I started getting this shoot together all the way back in July, because I wanted to give people plenty of notice and time to sort out schedules, etc. because I knew this would be a big all day event. Well... one of my models went a little MIA throughout the planning, so I had to replace her with another one who cancelled on me the afternoon before the shoot. And the day of the shoot, one of the models completely failed to show up or give any sort of notice. So, one of my outfits (a skirt/blouse coord in sapphire) was not even in the shoot at all, and I ended up having to model the boystyle coord myself. Luckily I was of similar size to the model who was supposed to wear that so with a bit of alteration, I was able to fit into it just fine. I'm just glad I already have a handful of other shoots already in place to show off other color-ways and variations of my pieces.
Needless to say, all my other models were nothing short of spectacular. I was impressed on Saturday, and after seeing the shots, I'm even more impressed with how they make my work look so lovely ♡
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Spontaneous Holiday Giveaway~
Hello all! Long time, no see. I know :( But I'm back with a surprise: it's giveaway time!
First things first: rules.
The giveaway will end on midnight of the 25th (EST), and a winner will be chosen and announced sometime that day.
The winner will be received a bunch of Resplendent Nightmare stuff, including:
✦ Jabot OR Neckbow (winner's choice)
✦ Tights OR 2 pair of knee-highs (winner's choice)
✦ 2 Headbows
✦ Long-sleeved cutsew
The winner will of course get to choose the colors of their prizes, as well as send me their measurements, so all sizes and body types are welcome. I also ship worldwide, so anyone, anywhere can enter!
Speaking of which, you can enter by clicking the "Giveaway" box under my banner on my facebook page (or you can just enter below), as well as sharing the giveaway announcement that's posted on my page.
I was going to wait 'til my next like-goal of 1000, but I couldn't resist not doing something for the holidays :3 (Also, 3 months without a blog entry?! That's inexcusable - I'm so sorry ;A;)
The winner will of course get to choose the colors of their prizes, as well as send me their measurements, so all sizes and body types are welcome. I also ship worldwide, so anyone, anywhere can enter!
Speaking of which, you can enter by clicking the "Giveaway" box under my banner on my facebook page (or you can just enter below), as well as sharing the giveaway announcement that's posted on my page.
I was going to wait 'til my next like-goal of 1000, but I couldn't resist not doing something for the holidays :3 (Also, 3 months without a blog entry?! That's inexcusable - I'm so sorry ;A;)
Good luck everyone, and Happy Holidays!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Resplendent Nightmare Pre-Orders!
And so August has ended, which means Resplendent Nightmare is now available for pre-order! Pre-orders will ship free worldwide, and be available for a full month until October 1st. The print and rest of the collection will be released on Halloween (October 31st). All pre-orders will ship before the actual release date, to ensure you get them by this date (depending on amount of pre-orders/interest I may ship them out even earlier so you can have them for that weekend right before Halloween).
Friday, August 31, 2012
Resplendent Nightmare: Fabrics & Materials~
And here we are, the last day of this blog series. I've revealed pretty much all my plans for this collection, with one exception: the fabric and materials!
A few months ago I posted a poll on my FB page asking what fabric you prefer - I originally really wanted to make this collection center around velveteen, but to my dismay that was not the most popular vote. Cotton was preferred by a long shot, so that's what I've decided to go with. The cotton I'm using for this line (read: for the SK, JSK, & OP) is a cotton so soft I can't even describe it. I've never worked with it before, and in doing research over the past few months I discovered it. It's the softest cotton I've come across, and I know it'll be just beautiful once sewn up.There's another thing about the dresses in this collection — they'll be lined! I typically don't/haven't lined skirts and things in the past, because it seemed unnecessary or the fabric was thick enough by itself. But in doing more research and looking around at Brand garments and other indie labels, I decided I really like the clean appearance of a lined garment, and I think it'll help the dresses drape, flow, and look better.
At this point in the process I can't say whether the printed garments will be dry clean only or not. Since the ink I'm using is a shimmy gold, I'll have to do some experimenting to see whether the ink will lose it's shimmeries through the wash.
As for the blouses, I'm actually planning on using a new fabric as well. I tend to use a cotton with a sheen finish (because I think it looks super pretty), but for this line (and possibly moving forward), I'd like to try something different. The fabric I'm thinking of using is a wrinkle-free, light-weight poly/cotton blend and I think it may do better through the wash with all the ruffles I have planned.
Cutsews will be made of 100% organic cotton knit, of course!
Outerwear/vests/pants/shorts — I'm still searching around for the perfect fabric for these. I have a few in mind, but I haven't settled just yet.
Materials & Details
The bottom ruffle in my dress sketches will be made out of organza, in a color matching the fabric. I had originally toyed with doing gold organza or tulle, but tulle is scratchy and irritating against the skin (not to mention tends to look gross overtime), and I couldn't find a gold that actually matched in organza (the colors were either too yellow or too orange), so I settled to match the fabric instead.
Buttons! I'm really excited for the button details in this collection. For the waist ties, I found these cute little critters, so they'll be holding the waist ties in place. They'll of course be in gold, instead of the samples shown here in black. Buttons for blouses/functionality will be gold as well — round shank buttons covered with metallic gold fabric.
Gold chain and pearls. In the pants sketches I have some removable chain details. I'll probably include some sort of pearl detail in the dresses as well, even though it's not shown in the sketches.
Most of the materials/details in the garments will be gold in color, to compliment the print.
For some seam details (e.g., the coat), I'll be using a gold piping.
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Lace I'm planning on using throughout this collection will be like this, except in gold of course. |
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Organza, shown here in Amethyst. |
Buttons! I'm really excited for the button details in this collection. For the waist ties, I found these cute little critters, so they'll be holding the waist ties in place. They'll of course be in gold, instead of the samples shown here in black. Buttons for blouses/functionality will be gold as well — round shank buttons covered with metallic gold fabric.
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Metallic gold pearls. |
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Gold thread! Ruffles and decorative stitching will be finished with this. |
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As these were my first run, there's some imperfections as in some of these poor things are missing parts of legs D: |
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Up close they're not as scary as they might seem :P |
And lastly, my most favorite part — spider charms! (Ugh, I just noticed they totally look coppery in these photos, but that's not at all the case — they're metallic-y gold for sure.) Anyways, this part is something I started experimenting with months ago, but kept it a secret until now. I've never done resin casting or anything like that — I tend to not be too crafty (which doesn't entirely make sense, I know), so I've never had the desire to do something like this before. But I wanted something special and tangible to go along with this print. For example, I had the lollipop 2-ways for Lollipop Parade, and there was no way I was making a spider plush 2-way thing, so I opted to take this route. Each spider will be cast in gold (not actual gold of course) and be finished off with a gem in a color matching the fabric. These are the spider charms that will adorn the chains on the pants, and they'll also make an appearance dangling on headbows and hats.
With that, I suppose I'm finished revealing all things Resplendent Nightmare to you. Tomorrow I'll be opening up pre-orders (for printed garments), which will be found HERE. Pre-orders will include free shipping as well as a special gift. The print and the rest of the collection will be available in about 2 months, on Halloween. And of course I'll be updating here and on my FB page until then~ Thanks so much for reading/keeping up with me all week!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Resplendent Nightmare: Tights, Cutsews, & Accessories~
Pretty much all of my plans for Resplendent Nightmare are out in the wild now, except for these stragglers...
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^^Click for a bigger & more detailed view! |
The first thing in my shop that I won't be sewing/putting together... tights! Something I've wanted to do for such a long time. Now that I'm personally doing all the printing, this has at last becoming an achievable possibility! Honestly, there's not really a front or back to this design - I couldn't make up my mind about it, so it's up to you whether you want the spiders on the front or back of your legs. The colors shown here are not totally accurate - the supplier I'm going with carries a slightly lighter red and blue than what's pictured here, but they'll still work out just lovely. These will be available in both regular and plus-size, so no one's left out! In addition to tights, I'll also have nylon knee-highs, which I think will look great with a nicely coordinated kodona/ouji outfit. I don't have a sketch to show you, as they'll look identical to these except y'know, stop at/just below the knee.
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^^Click for a bigger & more detailed view! |
I suppose this isn't really a "detail" per se, as it is an actual garment - but here you go, the cutsew: screen-printed! I think cutsews are just lovely for casual/daily Lolita wear, so of course I couldn't leave them out. But since they're not quite as elegant as a blouse, I chose to present them today instead of yesterday. I'm not totally set on the colors - I will at least have black and white, but I'm having difficulty finding fabric in the right colors (yes I realize I could dye the fabric as I tend to do - but dyeing such dark colors consistently is a pain, and I don't want to have to deal with that on top of printing). This cutsew will be available in both half and long-sleeved versions - I recently realized I'd never done the latter before so I had to tackle it. And well, long-sleeves are just nice in the fall/early winter. The print design isn't exactly set in stone - it may be tweaked just a bit. Oh, and of course, the neck ties will be detachable.
I also have a slew of other accessories planned, including spats (in both high & low styles), mini top hats and tricorns, headbows (duh), smallish bonnets, and wrist cuffs. I don't have any sketches of these, as I'm awful at drawing hats and tiny details (and I sorta "design" as I make them), but I'll most definitely have a bunch of these to show off over the next month as I complete samples.
Tune in tomorrow for the last entry of Resplendent Nightmare: Blog Revelations!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Resplendent Nightmare: Blouses, Pants, & Outerwear Designs~
Yesterday was all about the garments that will incorporate the print. Today is all about the rest of the collection that will help bring it together.
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^^Click for a bigger & more detailed view! |
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^^Click for a bigger & more detailed view! |
Next are the bottoms! First we start with some puffy shorts with a ruffled back. They feature functional pockets, and the legs will have a button closure. In the middle are the prince pants, which fall right under the knee - these too will have a botton closure around the leg. Both these and the shorts are finished with gold accents: lace, as well as gold thread finishing the ruffles, and the very small pin tuck down the front & back. Lastly, we have the very wide-leg "mana" type pants. I absolutely love this style of pant (I can't help but admit that I was the proud owner of several pairs of JNCO pants in high school :p), however these will be much more elegant. They feature a small pin tuck going up the front, as well as a removable chain, complete with spider charm. These bottoms will be available in either black or white; just like the blouses, these will also be available for both men and women.
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^^Click for a bigger & more detailed view! |
I have a few more garment designs to unveil tomorrow (think... legwear!), before talking about some other final details.
Stay tuned for more Resplendent Nightmare: Blog Revelations all week long!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Resplendent Nightmare: The JSK, OP, and SK designs~
And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! Maybe? Well, it's only Tuesday so I have a lot more to share, but I wanted to break out the dress designs now because I simply cannot wait (hopefully it's clear in the sketches, but starting from the left the views are back, front, back, front, back):
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The JSK features a lot of the same things as the skirt, so I won't repeat myself. However, the back does feature a 3-tiered ruffle-y panel. I think ruffles like these are absolutely gorgeous, and I was very excited to incorporate them into this collection. The ruffles will be finished with gold thread ♡
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I plan on doing a more detailed post about the fabric & materials I'll be using, so I won't go into that just yet. I also have lots of other designs to reveal - blouses, kodona, aristrocrat, etc. so be sure and check back throughout the rest of the week to see!
Stay tuned for more Resplendent Nightmare: Blog Revelations all week long!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Resplendent Nightmare: A Look at the Finished Print Design~
Not long ago I introduced my new print, Resplendent Nightmare. After mentioning in that post that I'll probably go back and tweak it a bit... well I couldn't help myself and did exactly that. As soon as I finished that post, I went straight back into Illustrator and began tweaking it. A few minutes quickly turned into a few hours, and I finally feel confident enough to share the finished (for realz, this time!) design:
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^^Click for a bigger & more detailed view! |
As previously mentioned, it is going to be printed in gold. The gold shown above isn't necessarily accurate - it'll have shimmer in it and be more, well... resplendent than shown here. (Once I'm ready to print, I'll for sure put up photos of actual fabric samples to show the shimmeries in all their glory.) It'll be available in 5 color-ways - ruby (red), diamond (white), amethyst (purple), onyx (black), and sapphire (blue). I'd also wanted to include a dark green/emerald-y color but the fabric I'm using doesn't have a green that's suitable to my taste. The darkest green available is more of a Link green, and that simply won't cut it. Dyeing dark colors consistently is quite the task, and since I'm already printing the fabric, I'd rather not have to dye it as well. Oh, and did I mention the fabric I'm using? It's... like heaven - so scrumptious. I could (and plan to) go on and on about it, but I'll save that for another post.
Stay tuned for more Resplendent Nightmare: Blog Revealations all week long!
Matsuricon... not~
If you've seen my latest vlog, I talked excitedly about all the upcoming cons and things I'll be participating at. This past weekend was Matsuricon, a small local con that I always seem to forget about. This year I was asked to participate in the J-Fashion show by a friend who was helping put it on. I gladly agreed, but didn't get a whole lot of information, so I was a little wary about the whole thing. However, I ended up coming down with a random stomach bug and was down for the count Saturday night, and all of Sunday (I literally spent my entire Sunday slumped on the couch playing video games - something I haven't done in quite a while, tbh). So no, I did not participate in or even attend Matsuricon at all this year. Since it was sorta at the last minute that I was asked, and hadn't previously planned on going (because, like I said - it's a con I always seem to forget about), it's not like I lost money spent on pre-regging or anything. Nope. The only thing I lost was an opportunity and spending all weekend Loli'd up.
Stay tuned for daily blog posts (another one will be coming today!) detailing my new print/line all this week~
Stay tuned for daily blog posts (another one will be coming today!) detailing my new print/line all this week~
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Meet 'Resplendent Nightmare'~
Earlier this week I posted a bit of a teaser on my FB page for the new print I've been working super hard on. And I suppose it's about time you see the rest of it.
Well here it is:
Well here it is:
It's entitled 'Resplendent Nightmare', and will be printed in gold on a variety of dark colors including black, navy, dark red, emerald, and plum. There will probably be a few minor alterations before I put this baby to print, but this is mostly it. As simple as it looks, it took quite a while to get together - the spiders were hand drawn by myself, and being a huge arachnophobic... it really was not the easiest of tasks. Perhaps I'll make a vlog later explaining why I chose to create a print on one of my biggest fears~
Friday, August 10, 2012
March Hare Commission~
It's been a while since I've actually blogged about a commission - I did that a lot more when I first started doing custom pieces, and I've just done so many that I found it a little overwhelming and a bit irrelevant to blog about every single custom blouse or skirt I make. This most recent commission not only consisted of an entire outfit, but was probably the most fun/creative freedom I've had working on a custom piece in a while.
When I first got her email and super cute sketch, I was more than nervous taking it on. The bustle and vest with super long coat tails was enough to make me almost second guess this request. I've never had the opportunity to make a bustle skirt before (although I've done plenty of research on how they're put together in the past), and for just one second I had the thought of changing it to be more of a "ruffle skirt" instead. I'm so glad I didn't do that. I'm so happy with how the entire outfit came together, and I'm glad I took a stab at something I had less than no experience with. I was also super lucky to be working with a client who has more confidence in my work than I do, and was entirely laid back and easy-going throughout the whole process.
When I first got her email and super cute sketch, I was more than nervous taking it on. The bustle and vest with super long coat tails was enough to make me almost second guess this request. I've never had the opportunity to make a bustle skirt before (although I've done plenty of research on how they're put together in the past), and for just one second I had the thought of changing it to be more of a "ruffle skirt" instead. I'm so glad I didn't do that. I'm so happy with how the entire outfit came together, and I'm glad I took a stab at something I had less than no experience with. I was also super lucky to be working with a client who has more confidence in my work than I do, and was entirely laid back and easy-going throughout the whole process.

^ Most of the outfit (minus the shorts)! The vest is made of corduroy and fully lined. The cream center front placket piece thing is fully detachable - the buttons down the sides are fully functional.

^ The bustle skirt ties around the waist via ribbon, and is made of a few layers of cotton fabric. This was way easier to make than I originally feared, and will consider adding things like this to designs in the future.
^ Bustle bow is removable, pearls are not - they are sewn on.

^Because of the way my mannequin is designed, I can't fit shorts onto it. So sadly I have no photos of the entire outfit together, with the shorts.

^I've become way more confident in my mini-hat-making skills, and made this one and the ears out of wool felt ♡ The ears are posable (my first time adding wire to anything!), and everything's attached to a headband.
I love this coord design so much, I'll probably have this entire set available in my shop in the future. About half of these pieces can be found in my shop already though: Blouse, Puffy Shorts, Spats. I do realize the puffy shorts are plaid, and the spats have the stripes, but since everything's customizable in my shop, all you need to do is fill out the "Custom Pieces" form~
Monday, July 30, 2012
My First Secret~
Well, I suppose this was bound to happen one day. I couldn't sleep last night so I got on Behind the Bows on my phone, and saw this:
I couldn't see the comments on my phone, so I dashed from my bed onto my computer to see what other awful things were being said about me. To sum it up, two people sorta defended me, but at the same time thought my stuff was still pretty ugly. This is basically why I tend to avoid the EGL community - I've been scared to death of something like this happening, and now it finally has. I suppose I'm sorta relieved that it did finally happen, but at the same time I still feel completely crushed.
Doesn't look like I'll be going back to sleep anytime soon...
♡Miss Chubi
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
500 Fans Giveaway Time!~
If you've been following my facebook page, I recently hit a milestone of 500 fans! As promised, I've started a giveaway to celebrate/thank you all for your amazing support ♡ I'm giving away a Lollipop Parade JSK & Headdres to one lucky winner with their desired color-ways and measurements. You can enter below, as well as my facebook page - it's all goes into one "hat" though, so you don't have to worry about where you entered or duplicating your entry or whatever.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you, and good luck!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Picnic Meet-Up~
So not counting Frill, this is my second local Lolita Meet-up! We actually planned this super soon after our first one, so I've been looking forward to this for a while. I recorded a short video on our way to the park:
^Everything my bf is wearing is Elegy, aside from the socks (Hot Topic?), necklace (Ophanim, via Frill), boots (Demonia).
^Everything I'm wearing is Elegy, besides the shoes (Bodyline) and socks (Sockdreams) of course. Bag is the Special Edition Summer Lucky Pack Tote~
^I'm actually kind of confident in my make-up skills at this point, so here's a bonus make-up shot as well. I actually took these after the picnic, so my blush has sweated off, and things aren't as nice looking as before the meet. (Note to self: invest in lower lashes!)
We decided to have a picnic at a local park, with everyone bringing a dish (baking not required, but encouraged <3). Of course I reserved the spot for cupcakes almost right away :p They're my favorite thing to bake, and the icing recipe I use is super light/fluffy and I couldn't wait for everyone to try them. Unfortunately, since it was so hot out, the icing did end up sorta melting by the end of the picnic, but they were super delicious in the beginning, haha.
Unfortunately, not everyone showed up who said they were going to (more for us :P), so most of what we had were sweets - but I'm not complaining! Everything was delicious, and special thanks to one thoughtful Lolita who brought along not only plates and napkins, but water as well! If she hadn't attended, we all would've dried out in the sun like all the dead grass that surrounded us x__x.
^Yum! :3
^Twins in their natural setting :P I actually wore my print in Licorice purposely, as I recently made the salopette version for my friend, on the off-chance that she'd wear it. Which she did :P Of course I didn't think of taking photos of us actually together though =__=;
^Lolis on the blanket...
^...and a random puppy appears!
^Our group <3 This meet was a total fail at taking photos. My bf actually took most of these, and this group photo was taken after 3 of the girls left :x
Overall this was a fun meet, although it was super hot. There was also a terrible cover band playing in the gazebo area, which is where we had originally planned to host this. Apparently there was also supposed to be a swap, buuut most of the people didn't know that (myself included), so only 2 girls brought stuff. I actually ended up buying a pair of red Bodyline shoes~ No, I don't have any red atm, but I'm sure they'll come in handy for future coords <3
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